1981 ….
(NOTE: For latest work on the boat, check the Deck page.)
Click on any photo to enlarge and scroll through the gallery.

Blasting was necessary just to get deep enough for footings

The first inspection

Master excavator Tony Ciulla cleared the way for the footings and also did the septic system

Four 60 foot trenches made up the leach field

Master mason Bill Sensbach built the foundation, slab and first chimney

Master carpenter George Krobatsch did the framing and plywood

Master plumber Phil Little did the rough plumbing

The rest (roofing, siding, electrical, insulation, drywall, finish plumbing, cabinetry, trim, etc) was a family undertaking

Child labor

Co-worker Dean Booker volunteered 3 days of his time helping pull wires and figure out all the 3 and 4-way switches.

Only 3 more sides to go (l-r Nicole, Linda, Shawn)

Shawn supervises from a nearby maple

Ready for winter. Thanks to Picatinny co-workers for their help: Joe Wu on the roof; Tony Melita with siding; and Dean Booker, wiring.
Comments on either the website or the construction process will be greatly appreciated. You can contact me (Mike Danesi) at [email protected].