Lion’s design is from “The American Fishing Schooners 1825-1935” (Howard I. Chapelle, W.W. Norton & Co, 1973). This design was chosen because: 1) She fits in the shop; 2) She’s reportedly very seaworthy; 3) She originated fairly close to where I grew up; 4) The drawing was readily available; and 5) I like the way she looks. Similar fishing boats were common in the Massachusetts Bay area around 1800. The drawing, which I purchased from the Smithsonian Institution, is available from their Ship Plan List.
The keel was laid in June, 2012. The “ribs” (frames) were completed near the end of 2015. Planking (the outer skin of the hull) is underway (about one-third complete as of June 2020.)
(NOTE: For latest work on the boat, check the Deck page.)
Comments on either the website or the boat will be greatly appreciated. You can contact me (Mike Danesi) at [email protected].